Taken from Ancestor Reverence & Ritual: A Beginner's Guidebook on How To Honor Those Who Have Come Before by Rev. Mignon Grayson
OPENING PRAYER: I/We beseech You, O Lord God, the All Powerful, to send me/us the good Spirits to help me/us and take away all those who may induce me/us towards error; give me/us the necessary light so that I/we may distinguish truth from falsity. Remove too, the maleficent Spirits, be they incarnate or discarnate, who may try to launch discord amongst me/us, and so turn me/us away from charity and love for our neighbors. If some of these Spirits try to enter my/our ambient, do not allow them access me/us. Good Spirits, you see fit to come and teach me, make me yield to your counsel, turn me away from all thoughts of selfishness, pride, jealousy and envy. Inspire me/us to indulgence and benevolence towards our fellow beings, present or absent, friends or enemies; lastly, through the sentiments with which I am animated, make me practice. Your beneficial influence. To (those) me as a Medium You chose as transmitter(s) of Your teaching, give awareness of the mandate and the seriousness of the act I am (they are) about to practice, so I/they may perform this act with the necessary fervor and meditation. If I am (there be any persons present) driven by sentiments other than those of goodness, open my/their eyes to the light and forgive me/them Lord, as we forgive them, for any evil intentions I/they may harbor. I ask especially that the Spirit of (INSERT NAME) who is my spiritual Guide, assist me and watch over me and my family.
PROTECTION: Beloved Spirits and Guardian Angels, who God in His infinite mercy has permitted to assist mankind, be my/our protectors during all life’s tests! Give me/us the necessary strength, courage and resignation; inspire me/us towards all that is good, and restrain me/us from the downward incline to evil; may your sweet influences fill my/our soul(s); make me/us feel that a devoted friend is by my/our side, who can see my/our suffering and who participates in all my/our joys. And you, my Good Angel, never abandon me because I need all of your protection to be able to support with faith and love the tests that God has sent me.
CLOSING PRAYER: I give thanks to the good Spirits who have come to communicate with me, and implore them to help me put into practice the instructions they have given, and also, that on leaving this ambient, they may help me to feel strengthened for the practice of goodness and love towards our fellow beings. Amen.
PROTECTION: Beloved Spirits and Guardian Angels, who God in His infinite mercy has permitted to assist mankind, be my/our protectors during all life’s tests! Give me/us the necessary strength, courage and resignation; inspire me/us towards all that is good, and restrain me/us from the downward incline to evil; may your sweet influences fill my/our soul(s); make me/us feel that a devoted friend is by my/our side, who can see my/our suffering and who participates in all my/our joys. And you, my Good Angel, never abandon me because I need all of your protection to be able to support with faith and love the tests that God has sent me.
CLOSING PRAYER: I give thanks to the good Spirits who have come to communicate with me, and implore them to help me put into practice the instructions they have given, and also, that on leaving this ambient, they may help me to feel strengthened for the practice of goodness and love towards our fellow beings. Amen.