it's time to plan for your harvest
Rites and rituals are an important way to prepare for what you're asking for. Moon cycles and equinoxes are high-energetic times to work with the elements, ancestors, and spirit guides!
And because this is an important time for actualizing dreams, I'm hosting a community event so we can work together to call in fulfillment! The new moon that proceeds with the harvest moon is a great time to engage in ritual and intentionally call in what you want to actualize at the end of the year.
A new moon ritual is a spiritual and personal practice performed during the new moon phase of the lunar cycle. The new moon is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting intentions for the upcoming month. Many people believe that the energy of the new moon is a powerful time to manifest their desires and goals.
And because this is an important time for actualizing dreams, I'm hosting a community event so we can work together to call in fulfillment! The new moon that proceeds with the harvest moon is a great time to engage in ritual and intentionally call in what you want to actualize at the end of the year.
A new moon ritual is a spiritual and personal practice performed during the new moon phase of the lunar cycle. The new moon is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting intentions for the upcoming month. Many people believe that the energy of the new moon is a powerful time to manifest their desires and goals.
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Topic: New Moon Harvest Ritual: Free for all members and ISS Students
Time: Sep 15, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: New Moon Harvest Ritual: Free for all members and ISS Students
Time: Sep 15, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 869 2810 8854
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